I’ve been writing in my journal consistently for a very long time but I really started to buckle down and do my “morning pages” for the past two or so years.
It helps me get out all of my thoughts — good and bad — before I start my day. And more importantly, it helps me figure out what is bothering me and that way, I can try and find a solution. I truly believe that my mind would go even crazier if I weren’t able to write out my thoughts daily.
Along with that, I could tell how writing consistently has helped my mind develop ideas and thoughts more thoroughly when I write my blogs. I can write more “freely” now and I am able to craft better blogs and essays.
Even though I don’t post every day, I do write every single day and sometimes, it’s a lot. I write when I am happy, when I’m sad, when I’m bored, etc. I love carrying around a journal and a pen (sometimes a pencil) and writing when I have something on my mind.
In a way, it’s another friend and I am grateful to have it in my life.