- Write — Seems simple enough. No one might be reading at first or even if you’ve posted 100 articles but you do it because you love it, right? ;)
- Keep writing.
- Add a call to action at the bottom of the post — ask people to follow you on social media and/or mailing list so you can promote your future blog posts.
- Find publications to contribute to. It will help build your audience and find new friends
- Chat with other like-minded writers and bloggers.
- Clap for others to reward them for their hard work.
- Repeat steps one through six.
When it comes down to it, it’s not that hard. I could write a multi-thousand word post but in the end, you just need to start and then keep going.
(If you like what you read, please join my weekly newsletter, A Writer’s Notebook. New subscribers will receive a PDF copy of my book, I Could Be The President! Click here to sign up.)