I’ve been trying to take it easy on my brain for the past few days. I’m just burnt out from overworking myself the past year or so. I have so many projects going on that I ran my body and mind into the ground and I am definitely paying the price right now.
I limited my to-do list to the essentials and pushed the less important items to next week. If it can wait, then it won’t have to worry me at least for a few days.
But I was used to doing something productive.
My mind needed some sort of stimulation.
I was sitting here with my notebook and my mind was just empty. I wanted to do something productive but I had to stop myself because that was what got me in trouble in the first place.
Instead of trying to do “work,” I’ve been reading more books this. I even try to limit myself to random articles because it tends to stimulate my mind too much. I sometimes check my RSS feed as much as Twitter and Instagram because I want that dopamine rush when I see a new post.
I can’t sit still. I never could. That’s why I never did well in school because I could never focus on what my teachers and professors were saying. I learn better on my own so when I am sitting around with nothing to do, I get antsy.
So I am going to try my best to spend the next few days relaxing my brain before diving back into work next week. It needs and deserves a break after all the hell I’ve put it through this past 18 months.
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