Member-only story
Throughout my childhood and into my teens, I carried around a piece of paper in my wallet that said: “be well off by 35”. It was my only goal in life other than becoming a pilot in the Air Force but my low self-esteem prevented me from achieving that goal.
I never considered myself good enough for a lot of things, actually, but that’s another story for another day.
The other goal of being well off by 35, however, was and still is on my mind since I was a child. A lot of people pick the round number of 30 years old but I didn’t.
I gave myself an extra five years as a cushion for mistakes. Mistakes I’ve talked about in the past, mistakes that I’ve learned from, and mistakes I have yet to make.
Now that I’m entering my 35th year on this Earth. I feel much wiser and filled with a lot more hope than I have in the past.
I feel like I am starting to finally come into my own. Everything I have learned in the past has been put into this current project of mine and it is starting to pay off.
And to clarify, when I was a kid, being “well off” meant being rich.
It meant having all the cool gadgets, a big house, and cool cars.
By the way, my dream car is a replica of the Jurassic Park jeep that I sometimes see in the Inland Empire.